rest in peace, cheems.
- My Asthma didn't worsen in 2023.
- ChatGPT didn't take my job.
- Visited Chengdu Natural History Museum with daughter and wife.
- Visited Chongqing with wife.
- Visited the largest public aquarium in India with mom, dad, and brother.
- (Re)read, Victor Pelevin, Stephen King, Camus, Sartre, Kafka, Kant, Hegel, and Kierkegaard.
- Read "On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft" & "On Writing Well."
- Implemented a lot of tech stuff for an NYC-based studio.
- Launched the main AI project.
- (now
- Updated the Insects-API. sample.
- Automated critical workflows with Python.
- Used PHP extensively for quick web dev.
- Cut ties with Google Analytics (personal and work).
- Tinkered a lot.
- Watched many movies but never kept a list. :(
- Jammed a lot to Arab pop (according to Spotify).
- Back to Android (S23) after 7 years. Still use iOS for auth.
- Added two new games to the library (Switch Lite).
- Purchased ATH-M50x for monitoring.
- Purchased a secondary desktop monitor.