
wp2bear wordpress plugin

Introducing WP2Bear, a WordPress plugin to help you migrate your blog posts to The plugin exports WordPress posts to Markdown files with front matter block compatible with Bear. It also provides granular options to customize metadata, including bulk overrides for meta images, aliases, and canonical URLs.



  1. Download the plugin ZIP file.
  2. Inspect the wp2bear.php file for security.
  3. Upload the plugin folder to your WordPress wp-content/plugins directory.
  4. Activate the plugin in Plugins > Installed Plugins in WordPress.
  5. Navigate to Tools > WP2Bear to configure and use the plugin.


  1. Settings: Go to Tools > WP2Bear to configure plugin settings such as fallback meta descriptions, meta images, and domain overrides.
  2. Export Posts:
    • Click Export Published Posts to export all published posts and pages.
    • Click Export All Posts to export all posts, including drafts and private posts.
  3. Download ZIP: The plugin will generate a ZIP file containing all exported Markdown files.

Settings Explained

My Test Environment


1. Can I export pages as well as posts?

Yes, the plugin supports exporting both posts and pages.

2. What happens if there is no featured image or meta description?

If no featured image or meta description is found, WP2Bear will use the fallback values provided in the settings. If no fallbacks are specified, these fields will remain empty.

3. Can I use this plugin to simply export WP posts to markdown files?

Yes. While WP2Bear is designed to integrate with, the exported Markdown files are compatible with other platforms.


WP2Bear is provided as is, without any express or implied warranties. If you remix, modify, or redistribute this plugin in any way, please credit in your project's documentation or credits section.