If you follow Louis's instructions on this topic, you might get stuck on step 6. Paste the following script instead of the one on cloak.ist. Syntax fix - save for later.
const config = { subdomain: "blog.example.com", root: "example.com", blogPath: "blog", }; async function handleRequest(request) { const url = new URL(request.url); const targetPath = url.pathname; let response = await fetch(`https://${config.subdomain}${targetPath}`); if ( targetPath.includes(`/${config.blogPath}/favicon.png`) || targetPath.includes(`/${config.blogPath}/sitemap.xsl`) || targetPath.includes(`/${config.blogPath}/assets/`) || targetPath.includes(`/${config.blogPath}/public/`) || targetPath.includes(`/${config.blogPath}/content/`) ) { return response; } let body = await response.text(); body = body.split(config.subdomain).join(config.root); response = new Response(body, response); return response; } addEventListener("fetch", (event) => { event.respondWith(handleRequest(event.request)); });