My initial approach was inspired by a Stack Overflow answer posted by wolfplusplus. Their script showed how to retrieve Mailgun logs in JSON format. I modified the script to:
- Only fetch events with the "failed" and "permanent" severity.
- Extract just the email addresses from each event.
- Output to a CSV file.
import os import csv import requests from datetime import datetime, timedelta from email import utils DAYS_TO_GET = 7 MAILGUN_API_KEY = 'env' MAILGUN_SERVER = 'env' if not MAILGUN_API_KEY or not MAILGUN_SERVER: print("Set variables MAILGUN_API_KEY and MAILGUN_SERVER") exit(1) ITEMS_PER_PAGE = 300 # API is limited to 300 def get_logs(start_date, next_url=None): if next_url: print(f"Getting next batch of {ITEMS_PER_PAGE} from {next_url}...") response = requests.get(next_url, auth=("api", MAILGUN_API_KEY)) else: url = '{0}/events'.format(MAILGUN_SERVER) start_date_formatted = utils.format_datetime(start_date) # Mailgun wants it in RFC 2822 print(f"Getting first batch of {ITEMS_PER_PAGE} from {url} since {start_date_formatted}...") response = requests.get( url, auth=("api", MAILGUN_API_KEY), params={ "begin": start_date_formatted, "ascending": "yes", "pretty": "yes", "limit": ITEMS_PER_PAGE, "event": "failed", "severity": "permanent" } ) response.raise_for_status() return response.json() start = - timedelta(DAYS_TO_GET) email_ids = [] current_page = get_logs(start) while current_page.get('items'): items = current_page.get('items') # Extract email IDs and add them to the list email_ids.extend([item.get('envelope', {}).get('targets', '') for item in items]) print(f"Retrieved email IDs for a total of {len(email_ids)}") next_url = current_page.get('paging').get('next', None) current_page = get_logs(start, next_url=next_url) # Save as CSV file_out = f"mailgun-email-ids-{MAILGUN_SERVER}_{start.strftime('%Y-%m-%d')}_to_{'%Y-%m-%d')}.csv" print(f"Writing out {file_out}") # Open the file using csv.writer and write the header and email IDs with open(file_out, 'w', newline='') as file_out_handle: writer = csv.writer(file_out_handle) writer.writerow(['emails']) writer.writerows([[email] for email in email_ids]) print("Done.")
^ This is the basic script. An extended version stores it elsewhere in a different format to provide a better view on Metabase.