
just can't get enough (remastered)

One color here, another there.
It's fascinating, really.
Like watching a performer who changes costumes.
Each character distinct, yet something familiar lingers.

The confident expert.
The soul-searching wanderer.
The market-savvy guru.

All different voices.
All different stories.

Some write in short bursts.
Like this.
Creating patterns.

Some share deep thoughts.
Raw emotions.
Calculated vulnerability.

The trick isn't spotting the parallels.
It's appreciating the art.
The craft of wearing different hats.

Because in the end, aren't we all performing?
Aren't we all trying different voices?
Different masks?

The real skill is in making each voice sound authentic.
Making each character feel real.
Making each story stand alone.

But sometimes...
Just sometimes...
The reflections give it away.

And that's okay.
That's the beauty of it.
The art within the art.

So, sell some more, it’s all that I crave.
And I just can't seem to get enough of